[TYPO3-Solr] Reports told me to update a few things and now the previously working language "cores" don't work anymore

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Fri Aug 12 21:52:09 CEST 2011

Hi Ingo,

On 12-8-2011 16:09, Ingo Renner wrote:
> as Olivier already mentioned and as you didn't write about it... I guess
> you haven't updated Solr itself?

In my reply of last I said that we would set up a Solr 3.x instance on 
the server.
Today I tried to do that with the install script from the solr extension 
(EAP 2.5.0 rev 81139) and that worked very well!

> For the new schema and solrconfig you need Solr 3.1+. There used to be a
> bug with xIncludes in Solr < 3.1 so that you couldn't use relative
> paths. Now that we're on 3.x, we also changed the xIncludes to use
> relative paths...

With Solr 3.3.1 (IIRC) everything I tried works fine.
I must admit that I didn't read the Changelog at first, but followed the 
directions I found in the Reporst module. This told me that contact with 
the (previous Solr 1.4) server was fine, but that there were three problems:
- schema was old (1.7.0, should be 2.5.0)
- solrfconfig.xml was old (1.7.0, should be 2.5.0)
- access filter plugin was too old (1.1.0 should be 1.2.0)

With Solr server 3.3.1 everything in the Reports module is "green" again!

Today I activated suggestion (autocomplete) and spellchecking and both 
work great. Also indexing pages and tt_news records is a breeze.

Thanks for your support!

Kind regards / met vriendelijke groet,

Jigal van Hemert.

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