[TYPO3-Solr] indexing of TT_news or own extension

Tim Wendisch t.wendisch at rothfeld.de
Fri Apr 29 15:54:29 CEST 2011

Am 08.04.2011 18:01, schrieb Tim Wendisch:
> Thanks for your quick answert! I hope you are right and it is possible
> to add additional resources like a sysfolder outside the domainrecord.
> Otherwise I have to re-build the structure of my installation..... :-(
> best regards
> Tim Wendisch
> Am 08.04.2011 16:56, schrieb Pierrick Caillon:
>> Hi,
>> The storage folder must be inside the site tree. However, I have seen an
>> option to specify one or more external page to include in TypoScript, but
>> I don't remember where.
>> Regards,
>> Pierrick
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tim Wendisch [mailto:t.wendisch at rothfeld.de]
>> Posted At: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:02 PM
>> Posted To: typo3.projects.solr
>> Conversation: [TYPO3-Solr] indexing of TT_news or own extension
>> Subject: [TYPO3-Solr] indexing of TT_news or own extension
>> Hello,
>> I have a simple question: I have a TYPO3 installation where I have
>> located
>> the storage-folder for tt_news entries outside of the Domain-Record.
>> |
>> |--Domain record
>> | |
>> | |-News presentation (listview)
>> | | |-News detail (singleview)
>> |
>> |--Sysfolder
>> | |
>> | |-tt_news Storagefolder
>> I use the default (example) configuration for tt_news which is attachted
>> in the static templates.( with "tt_news = 1 instead of tt_news=0)
>> Now my quuestion: Do the entries/storage folder have to be inside the
>> domain record for beeing indexed? Because currently newsrecord, and
>> simular created indexing configurations for my own written extension, are
>> not indexed.
Back again,
I have still not found a sollution for my problem. Maybe anyone other?

Tim Wendisch

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