[TYPO3-Solr] Typo3 Solr + Tika + Indexing of Documents

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Tue Apr 12 19:52:13 CEST 2011

Am 12.04.11 15:38, schrieb Werner:

> I do have some problems with indexing documents like PDF's. I've installed the
> latest trunk-Version of T3-Ext. solr, the solr-server (1.4.1) and the T3-Ext. Tika.
> Everything seems like to work except the indexing of documents. I'm trying to upload
> a PDF via fileuploader and get the following error:
> "Class tx_solr_ExtractingQuery does not exist"

hi werner,

if you are using the ter version of apache solr then this is not
released yet.

fileindexing is done and working and awaits some more sponsoring so that
we can release it to the public.

i am happy to send you a white-paper if you dm me.


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