[TYPO3-Solr] Multiple Indexes single server instance

Georg Kuehnberger georg at georg.org
Wed May 5 23:31:00 CEST 2010

Olivier Dobberkau wrote:
> Am 05.05.10 12:25, schrieb Andre Flitsch:
>> However, i am not that au fait with java, so any advice would be
>> appreciated.
> Andre,
> Please have a look at the SOLR WIKI.
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin
> You can set up one Core per TYPO3 website and/or language.
> Greetings,
> Olivier

multi-core works fine - even under win32;
below I attached my notes on howto setup a second/thurd solr-core for 
hth georg

# w32 solr2 als Standard-Solr Instanz for Testing
### copy war
NET STOP "Apache Tomcat 6"
cp C:\xampp\solr14_src\dist\apache-solr-1.4.0.war 

### copy examples code
cp -R C:\xampp\solr14_src\example\solr C:\xampp\solr2

### modify the datadir config
   <!-- gk commented as not meaningful in w32 context

# Configure Tomcat to recognise the solr home directory you created,

Tomcat-System-Tray-Icon >> Java >> JavaOptions - added :

# Start the Tomcat service
NET START "Apache Tomcat 6"

tail -f C:\xampp\tomcat\logs\*.log

# Go to the solr admin page to verify that the installation is working. 
It will be at http://localhost:8080/solr/admin


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