[TYPO3-Solr] Installation of solr

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sun Jan 17 16:48:19 CET 2010


I'd like to test solr on a Managed Server (domainfactory). This means, I  
have a tomcat provided in my home directory, but no access to /opt (as in  
the installation instructions [1]).

I can access /solr/ and get the "Welcome to Solr!" displayed, but when I  
want to access /solr/admin/, it ends up with
> HTTP Status 404 - missing core name in path

What I don't understand is, how Tomcat should find all the files.

The instructions say (simplified):

(1) mkdir solr-tomcat
(2) cd solr-tomcat/
(3) unzip apache-tomcat.zip (-> new subdirectory for tomcat)
(4) unzip apache-solr.zip (-> new subdirectory for solr)
(5) cp apache-solr/dist/apache-solr.war apache-tomcat/webapps/solr.war
(6) cp -R apache-solr/example/solr .

Steps 1-5 are clear for me as Tomcat newbie. But I ask myself, how Tomcat  
should find the files copied in step (6), but I think this is root of my  
problem. Should I really copy them to solr-tomcat/ or to any subdirectory  
of solr-tomcat/apache-tomcat/...? I already tried to place it there under  
webapps/, but this also didn't help.

> The default home directory will be /opt/solr-tomcat/solr, and we'll need 
> to put into some configuration files from the solr extension.
Is this path hardcoded anywhere? Didn't find it anything...

Any hints are appreciated!


[1] http://forge.typo3.org/wiki/extension-solr/Setup

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