[TYPO3-Solr] Multi language exception

Peter Limberg si557 at t-online.de
Sun Dec 12 18:30:41 CET 2010



I am using an multi language website. During indexing the pages in the
default language, I got the following error in devlog:


exception 'Exception' with message 'Index page? No, ->sys_language_uid was
different from sys_language_content which indicates that the page contains
fall-back  content and that would be falsely indexed as localized content.'
in /var/www/web211/typo3conf/ext/solr/classes/class.tx_solr_indexer.php:76


During indexing the other site-languages I got :

exception 'tx_solr_NoSolrConnectionFoundException' with message 'Could not
find a Solr connection for root page [2] and language [3]. Initial page used
was [202]' in /var/www/typo3_src-4.4.4/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php:5251


Using the search plugin, I got all languages in the result list except the
default one.


I like to use a multicore solr instance, one core for each language. but how
to realize this in typo3 and solr?


I am using this configuration:


Host: localhost

Port: 8080

Path: /solr/

Solr: 1.4.1 (1.4.1)

schema.xml: tx_solr-1-5-0-20100923

solrconfig.xml: tx_solr-1-5-0-20100922

Access Filter Plugin: 1.1.0

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