[TYPO3-Solr] Solr und Tika PDF Files

johannes weber|medienlounge info at medienlounge.com
Mon Apr 19 22:36:58 CEST 2010

hi pim,
thanks for your answer, have been out a few days, so now the answer -
i get an error with the extension in the scheduler:
Fatal error: Declaration of  
must be compatible with that of  
tx_scheduler_AdditionalFieldProvider::getAdditionalFields() in /var/ 
class.tx_solr_scheduler_optimizetasksolrserverfield.php on line 33

typo 4.3

On Apr 2, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Pim Snel wrote:

> Op 29-03-10 12:14, johannes weber|medienlounge schreef:
>> thanks for your answer.
>> don´t know exactly too,
>> but as it seems typo3 solr extension doesn´t support that and i  
>> thought
>> that
>> typo3 tika extension would be an alternative .....
> For now you can use my Solr Custom Index extension to "additionally"  
> index binary documents. Ingo's Solr extension will show these  
> additional binary results as it gets its results directly from  
> Apache Solr. It's really not so hard to setup.
>> but seems nobody got it running right now .....
>> On Mar 29, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Pim Snel wrote:
>>>> solr search works fine, but tika (tried via .jar file config)
>>>> gives errors.
>>>> any hints, any doku?
>>> Don't know if I'm right but Tika is part of Solr Cell. If you  
>>> download
>>> a nightly build of Solr and then install the example war of Solr in
>>> the App Dir, Sorl Cell works out of the box.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Pim
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mit freundlichen grüßen

johannes weber



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