[TYPO3-Solr] Some questions

Ralf Brändli rbraendli at visionline.ch
Thu Apr 15 22:07:37 CEST 2010

Am 15.04.2010 um 22:04 schrieb Ralf Brändli:

>> Am 15.04.10 17:50, schrieb Ralf Brändli:
>>> Hi
>> Hi Ralf!
>>> I have installed TYPO3 with Solr and now I have some questions.
>>> - If I index different Records of an extension I become on each found record the same title (page title) is there a possibility to index the title of the extension record as title and not the page title ?
>> please check out the version from forge. ingo had added this for you
>> lately or?
> If have installed the newest version from the svn.
> I can Index different records from one page but the problem is now in every indexed record is the title set to the page title and not to the title from the record.
> if you can see in the screenshot If I found 2 articles each article has the same title. And the question is how can I chance the title from the page title to the title of the article record ?

sorry forgot the url to the screenshot  http://www.visionline.ch/Screenshot.png

>>> - Is there a possibility to search in a range of dates e.g. just content created between the 01.02 and 25.02 ?
>> the community extension does not support date range queries yet.
>>> - If I search for a word with an ä,ü,ö I become no results. is there a problem with this characters and hopefuly also a solution ?
>> It seems you have not set up your tomcat correctly.
>> http://forge.typo3.org/wiki/extension-solr/Setup
>> Look for this.
>> <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>>              connectionTimeout="20000"
>>              redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />
>> Greetings,
>> Olivier
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