[TYPO3-Solr] Delete button solr results view

Pim Snel pim at lingewoud.nl
Tue Apr 6 11:50:12 CEST 2010

Hi Ingo,

>> Do you think this is useful or this this the wrong way to solve this
>> problem?
> I guess it could be useful for a few situations but in general I think
> it's not the right approach.

Maybe I should better concentrate on developing a more generic 
administration interface.

> >> Did you yourself created features like this?
> In our development version we now implemented a "record monitor" that
> hooks into TCEmain and removes documents from the index when records get
> deleted, hidden or otherwise removed from visibility on the website.

That record monitor seems very useful.

I often encounter problems when I change the URL of a website. Indexed 
documents sometime still refer to an old document. May I should change 
the site serial when I do that.

Solr in general seems to mis a comfortable administration interface. I 
would like to remove a complete indexed domain for instance without 
flushing the complete database. Do you know of an better interface to 
manage the Solr database?


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