[TYPO3-Solr] extending the index scope

Pim Snel pim at lingewoud.nl
Wed Dec 2 17:06:16 CET 2009

>> Can I extend the indexing scope by defining new fields and ways to react
>> in typoscript? For example can I configure the solr-extension to work
>> with tt_news without touching the code?
> Yes and no: Currently you can already index additional information 
> without changing the extension's code. This would require a separate 
> extension to hook into EXT:solr.

I thought it would work this way. U investigated your mailing list 
search a little and I think you are using tx_solrnntp hooked in the 
solr-extension. Is that right?

I would like to know how I can hook my extensions into EXT:solr. I must 
index tt_news and the content of cwt_community for a customer. If I had 
an example I think I could manage to write the solr_extenions.

I guest the indexing Queue is a more generic approach and not usable 
this moment?

Pim Snel

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