[TYPO3-seminars] csv-file empty

ACM.Tersteeg at mindef.nl ACM.Tersteeg at mindef.nl
Wed Nov 7 09:09:54 CET 2012


It looks like I have the same problem as  Andreas: CSV-Export via backend

In the module events the function download CSV file result in a empty file (0 bytes)
The file is successful downloaded but is empty ( I try IE and Firefox)

I have browse the typo3=project-seminar archives and try the suggested solutions but until now, no result

We use typo3  4.5.11 and the site is hosted on a apache webserver with PHP 5.2.6  on a commercial ISP
(asking for a PHP update is not an option yet)
I have installed the following:
Seminars version 0.9.5
Oelib v0.7.8
Ameos formidable 1.1.549
Static info tables v2.3.0.
The static template seminars is included in the sysfolder  with the seminar data
On the screen I see registrations records and event records (You don't see the records if the static template is not included)

I know in that in the past( a few weeks ago) I have seen output.
I have run updates from the extensions newlogin to felogin, md5 to rsa and feregistration to the latest versions
I have try to go back to older versions of Oelib7.6 and Ameos 1.1.0 with no result
For me it not a options to go back to newlogin and MD5 ( because the live frontend user passwords are already converted)
configuration check in the EM is enabled

How can I enable PHP error messages ?

Has somebody an idea :

In advance, Thanks,Ton

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