[TYPO3-seminars] Urgent help - quick and dirty paypal integration

Paul Vetch paul.vetch at kcl.ac.uk
Fri May 21 14:13:16 CEST 2010

Hi Niels,

Thanks very much for the reply - much appreciated, and that's a great idea.

My other idea is perhaps to do something using some JQuery to generate the 
HTML for the Paypal button(s) using values from the registration 
confirmation page and/or the 'My Events' page generated by Seminars.  I 
wouldn't normally want to do things this way, though.

Whatever the solution I'll post it here in case it saves someone else!

Best wishes


"Niels Pardon" <typo3_lists at niels-pardon.de> wrote in message 
news:mailman.1.1274272512.7792.typo3-project-seminars at lists.typo3.org...
> Hi Paul!
> Just a quick suggestion: You might try to adjust the FORMidable
> configuration in TypoScript
> (plugin.tx_seminars_pi1.form.registration.step2) so instead of
> redirecting to the thankYouAfterRegistrationUrl seminars is redirecting
> to an Paypal Payment extension with the parameters required for payment
> processing.
> Although this is not a detailed step-by-step howto it should help to
> identify a possible integration point. I hope it helps you to fulfil
> your customer's request.
> Greets,
> Niels
> Am 19.05.2010 12:23, schrieb Paul Vetch:
>> Dear all,
>> I've just had a requirement sprung on me by a client and I need to throw
>> yourself on your mercy to see if anyone has a good idea for a quick
>> solution here.
>> The client has decided they absolutely need (simple) Paypal integration.
>> They only have a Web Payments Standard account, so this *should* be
>> pretty simple - either 'add to cart' buttons per event when registering,
>> or even simpler, a 'total' button that will total everything up into a
>> single transaction.
>> The bad news is that this is going to be needed very quickly indeed.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions at all for a quick way I can make this
>> work, even just a temporary solution?  I'm pretty desperate here!!
>> Thanks...
>> Paul

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