Oliver Klee typo3-german-02 at oliverklee.de
Thu Mar 11 17:00:22 CET 2010


Uli Linn schrieb:
> I have an event, that starts i.e. 24.12.2009 at 10.00 and ends at
> 26.12.2009 at 14.00
> In the detail view it is shown an 24.12.2009 - 26.12.2009 | 10.00 -
> 14.00  - what makes the users of the website belive, that the event
> takes place from 10.00 to 14.00 on each of the three days.
> What I need is something like that:
> 24.12.2009, 10.00 - 26.12.2009, 14.00
> I know that there was the suggestion using timeslots in a former post to
> a similar question, but there is no fixed start- and endtime on each
> day, only the start at the first day and the end at the last day are
> fix.

Does it help in this case if you use a single multi-day timeslot for
this? (I haven't tested this yet - just an idea.)

> Another problem are multi-day timeslots - which i use for a
> seminar, that takes place on two or more weekends.

Why are those a problem?

> And i suppose I
> cannot use timeslots within timeslots.

That is correct.

> Is there any solution? In the templates and the doku I can only find
> markers for "TIME" and "DATE", what would be usefull was a seperate
> markers for "STARTTIME", "STARTDATE", "ENDTIME", "ENDDATE" - that would
> be much more flexible.

These markers currently aren't available.

The TIME and DATE markers themselves actually should do the "right
thing" already, including open-ended events.

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