[TYPO3-project-seminars] Seminars 0.7.2 - english drop down in the registration form

Tomas tomas at cob-web.de
Tue Feb 24 10:27:50 CET 2009

Hello Oliver & team,

I just made an update to Seminars 0.7.2. and everything works fine so 
far except one thing: I have an english drop down for the country in the 
registration form. (and later in the E-Mail).
In onetimeaccount german drop down shows up - strange!
I use onetimeaccount 0.4.0 and static_info_tables 2.0.8 with 
static_info_tables_de 2.0.1
Before with Seminars 0.6.2 it just worked fine.
Do you have any hint for me?

Thanks a lot

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