[TYPO3-project-seminars] difference between fe-groups for pricing

Kai Osthoff ko at osthoff.net
Mon Feb 16 23:28:44 CET 2009


We are using seminars now several months on our webpage for our sports 
assosication (club for scuba diving - http://www.freizeittaucher.org) - 
it's a really great extension for typo3, thanks for that!

... now my question:

Our members can book different events for special price. it is a 
member-price! We will offer our events to other scuba divers too, but 
not with the special-price - they must pay a different price for our events.

How can i solve these task? It is a missing feature or does i not use 
the extension creativly enough? ;)

Greetings, Kai

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