[TYPO3-project-seminars] detailview + fe_user data (owner of detailview)

Max Weickl weickl at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 23:08:46 CEST 2008

Hello t3 Community!

i use the seminars(0.6.1) extention with sr_feuser_register(2.5.16)
registered user have the possibilty to create and edit events.

The Problem:

in the detail view of an entry i want to show who created this
event.(name, email, image)

i know that there is a field (owner_feuser) which stores the id of the
fe_user(who created the event)  in the seminars record

I´m very new to typo3, and just started to learn TS, so please give me
a kick into the right direction :)

best regards, and thanx for any reply!

Max Weickl

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