[TYPO3-project-seminars] Register manually

Katharina Luthe k.luthe at too-creative.de
Fri Nov 3 16:59:59 CET 2006

Hi Oliver,

Oliver Klee schrieb:
> 1. Set these events to "no registration required" (but still enter the
> number of available seats). Please note that you still can manually
> enter registrations in the BE.
> 2. Manually enter the corresponding registrations in the BE.

the administration of the registration will be done in a seperate 
software program. So the secretarys don't want to manage two systems. 
they have more imporant things to do than entering the whole day 
registrations ;)

> 3. After entering a registration, you might want to use Web > Seminars >
> Update statistics so the manually-entered registrations are counted.
> (This currently isn't done automatically when registrations are entered
> on the BE.)

Thank's for the hint, but in my case it didn't work. My customer don't 
want to show the exact number of vacancies, they want to show it only by 
colour. The setting "no registration required" causes that there is no 
tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-available or 
tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-1/2/3/... CSS class in the record. So it still 
is shown as free.
I think, if the tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-1/2/3/... class is set, 
everything will be fine.

> As an alternative, you could split the seminar list onto two pages: One
> with manual registration and one with online registration, and hide the
> corresponding columns/fields for the first page.

The course program is also available in a printed version - in one 
booklet - since decades :) It will confuse the attendees if the program 
suddenly is splitted. I think my customer don't want this alternative, 
too. Hmmm... Maybe I could persuade them. But it's the last option.

Many thanks,

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