[TYPO3-RTE] [Typo3-kickstarter] Re: [TYPO3-shop] richtext RTE default toolbar

Peter Niederlag niederlag at ikd01.de
Mon Apr 24 17:14:00 CEST 2006


Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> Stanislas Rolland schrieb am 24.04.2006 15:37:
>>Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] a écrit :
> I thought this should apply to every extension that is being created.

therefor the code created by the kickstarter for RTE-fields should be
changed as well.

Anyone willing to turn this into a feature-reequest on bugs.typo3.org?

Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *
http://www.typo3partner.net * professional services network *

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