[TYPO3-RTE] [TYPO3-shop] richtext RTE default toolbar

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Apr 24 12:48:06 CEST 2006


the standard tt_products comes with the "note" field with "richtext[*]"
in its setup. This is a bit annoying, since I will always get EVERY icon
from the toolbar from rtehtmlarea, even if I choose the "minimal"
rtehtmlarea setup (which sets RTE.default.showButtons to

I would suggest to default this to "richtext[]" and let the admin decide
which toolbar icons to display. So if the admin already has a
RTE.default.showButtons setting (e.g. rtehtmlarea "minimal" setup), that
would also apply to tt_products.note field.

What do you think?


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