[TYPO3-RTE] New Magic Image: Default image properties

Stanislas Rolland stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca
Tue Apr 18 21:36:52 CEST 2006

Hi Jan,
> What about the size, with which the image is inserted into the rte? I had
> the problem, that all big images where downsized to a width of 300 pixels.
> One could easily resize them to their original size, but therefore one had
> to know the original values. I found this limit hardcoded in the
> mod4/select_image.php. There is another value "cwidth" to override the
> hardcoded limit. Where is this set?
No. cWidth is the current width of the image. It is set only when the 
image is already inserted in the RTE.

The hard-coded limits would have to made configurable. Please submit a 
feature request in the bugtracker.


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