[TYPO3-irre] foreign_selector does not work correctly

Stefan Frömken firma at sfroemken.de
Wed May 28 13:20:42 CEST 2008

Hello Newsgroup,

first, thankyou for your help with my three tables in combination.

Now I have a problem with a relation between two tables with the selector.

I have the printer-table and the type-table. Between them I have the 
intermediate table.

Here is my code:
"type" => "inline",
"foreign_table" => "tx_sfebshaslo_printertype_rel",
"foreign_field" => "printerid",
"foreign_selector" => "typid",
"foreign_label" => "typid",
"appearance" => Array (
	"collapseAll" => 1,
	"expandSingle" => 1,
	"useCombination" => 1,
"maxitems" => 1,

I can't find anything wrong.

In the fieldlist of the printers I see the selector for my printertypes 
correctly. I can add a new type and it will be saved correctly, when I 
choose one type from the given list, it will be shown correctly, too. 
But after saving there stands "Kein Titel" (in english: "no title").
In the database there stands a zero in "typeid".

I tested it with TYPO3 4.1.2, TYPO3 4.1.6 and TYPO3 4.2.0.

Perhabs you can help me again.
Thank you

Stefan Froemken

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