[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] Partials missing

Nicolas de Haen typo3 at ndh-websolutions.de
Sun Mar 18 13:57:11 CET 2012

Hi Jost,

do you have an account on forge?

Than you have to setup your SSH key and follow the instructions on 

Basically you have to do these things:

Clone the git repository (already done)

Copy the hooks that will add a Change ID to your commit message to 
.git/hooks in your copy of the repository

scp -p -P 29418 <username>@review.typo3.org:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/

Since you probably already commited locally you should try to get the 
ChangeId appended by ammending the existing commit (not shure if that works)

You can test if it worked by typing: git log
There should appear a Change-Id in the log message

Then add the special push URL to your .git/config
git config --global 
git config --global branch.autosetuprebase remote

Then a push origin HEAD:refs/for/master/topic_propertytypes would create 
a topic branch in master called "topic_propertytypes"

I know it's a hazzle the first time but helps a lot managing the 
contributions of many people.

If you don't fell like going through this, you can just type:

git diff [last-commit-id-before-your-changes] > property-types.diff

Then send me the property-types.diff file.
You find the last commit ID by typing: git log.

5 characters of the ID are enough.


Nico de Haen
ndh websolutions

Webprogrammierung, OpenSource, Typo3


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