[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] Problem with a backend module using frontend plugin Templates

Frederik Milkau frederik.milkau at student.uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Aug 30 12:42:09 CEST 2012


I am new to this mailing list and mailing lists in general, so i hope 
this is the right place for my problem. If not, I would be very happy 
for advice, where I could look for help instead.

A description of my problem:
I am developing a little module/plugin with extbase and I ran into the 
problem that the backend module uses the same templates and partials as 
the frontend plugin. Neither I nor my tutor could find the source of 
this "malfunction". I was told I might find some help through this 
mailing list.

I scaffolded my project with the Extension Builder 2.4.0 ( in a Typo3 
4.5.19 environment). There I added a frontend plugin and a backend 
module (without editing the actions under "Advanced options" in both 
cases). After installing the extension I tried to make first changes to 
the predefined Templates. Then I noticed that the backend module uses 
the frontend template and partial files.

All I could find about my problem up to this point is - in short - that 
I should add the following line in ext_tables.php which should add the 
RootPaths from constants.txt:
     t3lib_extMgm::addStaticFile($_EXTKEY, 'Configuration/TypoScript', 
'ext-name setup');
But since this line already was in the file it did not help.

I would be really thankful if someone could tell me where I went wrong 
or if someone could point me in the right direction. If anyone needs any 
of the files to dig deeper, I would be happy to send it to him/her.

Frederik Milkau

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