[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] Oryx status

Andreas Wolf typo3ml at andreaswolf.info
Wed Sep 22 23:17:17 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

finally some information on the current status of the Oryx integration:
It works with a fairly recent ExtJS version (3.2.x), after I did quite a
few adjustments.

The biggest remaining problem are some awkward issues with the object
initialization. They are the reason e.g. for a completely blank screen
that some of you might have noticed occasionally.
What we need to fix these is somebody who really knows the changes made
to ExtJS from 2.0 to the current version. Or maybe there is some JS
expert among us who is willing to dig into that?

As far as I remember (I didn't work that much on this in the past few
weeks), there have also been some issues with the look of the UI in
general - maybe this is related to some conflicts with the Oryx and

What is neccessary for real-world usage inside the Kickstarter is a
custom stencilset. This should contain all elements that might be
neccessary in a domain model. The basics of Oryx stencilset development
are laid out in their wiki [1].
Maybe we also need some plugins for Oryx to get our features "done
right". I don't know if there is any documentation on that.

There has also been no effort to backport my changes to the mainline of
Oryx development - I'll contact the original authors about that in the
next days.

Please don't count on me too much for these tasks, I've got some other
projects running currently plus a rather high workload in general, so I
fear there's not that much free time I can spend on this.


[1] http://code.google.com/p/oryx-editor/wiki/HowToCreateStencilSet
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