[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] extbase_kickstarter roadmap

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Mon Mar 8 14:00:53 CET 2010

Hi there!

Christian Kartnig and I are going to do an internship at the TU-Vienna 
this year and we were thinking about contributing to the 
extbase_kickstarter. We dug through the code of the current revision and 
now we are asking ourselves what the most important things to have would 
be. There are some ideas i recently had:

* making the the metamodel extensible (the kickstarter should be 
extensible through other extensions)
* usage of standards like xmi (metadata interchange) for models
* integrating semantics for models and fields (would be a usecase for 
* splitting the modelling interface: data modelling (models) VS content 
modelling (views, controllers)

we will have to check at our institute whether its possible to implement 
some of these issues within the scope of an internship, but i'm pretty 
confident about that...

What do you think is most important?
I would be up for a skype meeting as well (since we never have been on 
any T3 events, i have the feeling we are really not up to date regarding 
ideas for the kickstarter, so a discussion would be nice IMO...)

Best Regards
Stephan Petzl

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