[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] Roundtrip concept for the kickstarter

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Mon Jul 19 18:24:00 CEST 2010

Am 17.07.10 12:41, schrieb Nico de Haen:
>> should we store TCA-information in your ClassSchema? (e.g. attaching the
>> default value for a property to the ClassProperty seems like a good idea
>> to me)
> what kind of TCA information do you mean? the property type for example?
well the property type will be stored in the model. i mean for example 
the default value or the label for backend forms.

>   I think we should only reflect modifications of parts that are not
> editable by the kickstarter. So if someone defined a property of type
> boolean and then changes the type in the code we will overwrite his
> modifications on next save, unless he changes the property type also in
> the kickstarter

> There might be cases, where a user defined value can't be displayed in
> the GUI, Like a TCA wizard definition for example. We have to find a way
> how to handle these cases.
> In general I would prefer not to store TCA related stuff in the class
> scheme. If you think of properties like
> 'displayCond' =>  'FIELD:t3ver_label:REQ:true'
> or all the IRRE related stuff:
> 'appearance' =>  array(
> 	'collapse' =>  0,
> 	'newRecordLinkPosition' =>  'bottom',
> ),
> I wouldn't like to see that in a php class file.

yes, me neither. and thats the actual question: where do we store such 
things? i mean storing directly as TCA.php seams the most obvious 
solution. but on the devdays we were talking bout using the 
php-class-schema (ClassSchema.php,...) as interface (and data-structure) 
between GUI and code generation. so one idea would be to add a property 
"tca" in ClassProperty.php and store the columns TCA there. does this 
make any sence to you :?

>> BTW: i have parsed the first TCA file now, and it looks quite promising for me so far. guess i will split the array in tca-columns and then decide by diff3
> behaviour which changes will go into the result.
> That means you manage modifications only with diff? What will happen if
> someone modifies the config settings for a property and the renames it
> in the kickstarter? Will he loose his changes?

i think we will need a separate search and replace for renaming in any 
case. (and the already mentioned extra info from the GUI side, that a 
renaming has occured)

diff3: actually i was talking about the diff3 behavior (=when there is a 
difference, look which source has changed by comparing each of them with 
the orininal, and then use the one which has changed, as new source)

> What about the "include(MyCustomTCA.php);" approach? Maybe we should
> discuss in this list what is considered to be the best solution...

i will do some further research end of this week, if i find out that its 
more challenging than i thought, we should think about the include 
approach again, yes!

Best Regards
Stephan Petzl

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