[TYPO3-doc] Flow & Neos documentation on docs.typo3.org

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Mon Jan 28 18:48:52 CET 2013

Hi Karsten,

>Ok, it does all that, except actually fetching the current Flow sources
>- the warnings are the same and if I look at

That's correct.

>assuming it is the source then it's still from December 20th.

It's fixed now. The reason was that Git refused to pull because
there had been - for whatever reasons - a modified file. It just
hadn't been run and tested for quite a while.

>> Check the warnings.txt file(s) in the *.git.make folders to find
>> out what went good or wrong. It it has length zero the result is
>> perfect: then you've not even got warning.
>Locally zero warnings. :)

Same online, not even warnings. Congratulations, very good!

>> - Images seem to be missing because you've given absolute pathes:
>>   Drop the first "/" to make then relative.
>> - Add a Settings.yml file to your project's ./Documentation folder
>>   and fill in:
>> - To get in line with the other manuals just copy the complete
>>   folder "_make" like you find it here:
>All done.

Very good.

>>   We'll have to agree on how to handle that. Until now we have 
>>   the convention: A project of something has ONE subfolder
>>   ./Documentation with ONE manual.
>Well, if it renders like it does now (as "chapters") that's fine for the
>time being.


>>   $ cd .../_make
>>   $ make html
>I needed some digging to find out how to render it in TYPO3 style - is
>there some all-in-one-place setup guide?

As I understand you /can/ render locally already. To get the
correct styling you additionally should only have to to:

(untested, written by heart):

$ git clone git://git.typo3.org/Documentation/RestTools.git
$ cd .../ExtendingSphinxForTYPO3
$ (sudo) python setup.py install

That's it.

Well, at the moment not really. I did the latest developments
directly on the server and haven't push the latest changes to
RestTools.git at the moment. Yes, I hope I can do that soon and
tell everybody here.

So, do you think we can drop the "drafts/" from the urls?

Sail on ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member


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