[TYPO3-doc] What tool for our meetings?
Roberto Torresani
erreti at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 09:09:22 CEST 2012
Hi François!
Some year ago I worked on project Openmeetings, I don't know if you
have it evaluated.
It is a webconference written in openlazslo, for the client, and with
red5 on the server.
The project has gone forward and is now an Apache Incubator Project:
I started to create an extension to connect TYPO3 to webservice of
openmeetings, but I never finished.....
There is a demo at this url: http://demo.openmeetings.de/openmeetings/
If you want I can make a installation for the TYPO3 group (on a my server or)
(I don't know what were the problems to connected with BBB, and if
Openmeetings could be resolved)
Let me know
2012/7/23 François Suter <fsu-lists at cobweb.ch>:
> Hi all,
> During our last meeting we had some trouble again with Jacob trying to
> connect to the Big Blue Button (BBB) server. It's not the first time that
> such problems happen and it's rather frustrating to waste 15-20 minutes of a
> 1-hour meetings with that. Thus I would like to move away from BBB. I have
> discussed this with Steffen G and he acknowledged that the use of Flash
> sometimes causes issues.
> As far as I can see the alternatives are Skype and Google Hangout. Both work
> well but have the following disadvantages:
> - people need some kind of account (Skype or Google+) and even an extra
> piece of software (for Skype).
> - the meeting is not so open anymore, as people cannot just go to the BBB
> server and connect to it. Although still open to everyone people still need
> to get in touch with the meeting organizer and share their account
> information.
> Do any of you have an opinion on the topic? Better ideas? And - should it
> boil down to that - a preference between Skype and Google Hangout?
> TIA for your feedback.
> --
> Francois Suter
> Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch
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