[Typo3-documentation] Installation Docs [was: german tutorial for installing typo3 3.6.1 onsuse 9.1]

Michael Stucki mundaun at gmx.ch
Thu Jun 24 01:51:07 CEST 2004

Dear Steffen,

>> 1. I think having one document for the installation process is the way
>> to go.
> I do not agree, as I prefer a more user based approach. In my eyes, this
> should look like this: Have a look for the right doc for my
> distribution, start reading it, follow the step-by-step instructions and
> finaly and quickly get a running system.
I think this is the main question. What do you mean with this? Is it the job
of the TYPO3 installation documentation to explain how to install a

I really like the idea of splitting this in two documents (at least):
- LAMP installation
- TYPO3 installation

As I already said, I'd like that you focus on the second part (since the
first part has not really to do with TYPO3 and might already be written by
someone else who has nothing to do with TYPO3).

Further, this second part would match almost any configuration which means
that we have no more redundancy in any TYPO3 install manual (since it's
obviously the only manual from this moment).

Or was that clear already?!

> Of course there are several types of users (cracks, newbies, ...) and
> several system types of the same distribution (e.g. a debian already
> running as a webserver in opposite to an installation from scratch).
> Therefore I would split up a doc a bit (e.g. quick + verbose install
> sections and webserver/mysql/typo3 sections ...)

In my opionion, this doesn't have to do with quick + verbose install. Just
see above.

> Sorry, I again disagree. My prefered way of writing a doc is use
> OpenOffice: a mighty tool but still easy to use and WYSIWYG. Have you
> ever tried to search for strings in a html textbox, checked orthography
> or resized an image in a Wiki?
> Of course, a wiki seems to be more easy for multiuser writing. But this
> should be possible with OO, too. Did anyone try multiuser versioning
> with it?

Since Sebastian said he was looking/working(?) on an SXW export plugin for
his Wiki, this might become a good solution for both of you...

> P.S. Sorry, the review of Lars' debian install doc hasn't made much
> progress. I still lack of time.

BTW, is Lars reading this list? I sent an invitation to him but never got a
reply. Lars, are you working or in Portugal?? ;-)

Regards, michael
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