[TYPO3-caretaker] Check for different TYPO3 versions regarding main versions

Lieuwe Hummel l.hummel at drecomm.nl
Wed Apr 18 12:39:40 CEST 2012

Hi Martin, Lars,

A comma-seperated list gives you more control, +1 for that.
The 4.current.latest approach works for me, but if the comma-seperated 
option gets adopted i'll be happy as wel.

On a sidenote: I submitted a feature request almost a year ago, 
including patches in issue http://forge.typo3.org/issues/28884
What needs to be done to get feedback on this? I cannot do any more that 
supplying a patch and unittests...



On 28-03-2012 10:35, larsen007 at web.de wrote:
> Hi Martin,
>> Suggestion: We allow to enter multiple version identifiers in the
>> maxVersion and minVersion fields. The identifiers are seperated by ","
>> so you could write a minVersion constraint like "4.4.latest,
>> 4.5.latest, 4.6.latest".
>> Would that work for your use cases?
> yes, that sounds good.
> Lars

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