[TYPO3-caretaker] Caretaker Notifications

lists lists at llh-online.de
Mon Dec 6 18:03:14 CET 2010


first: Thanks for this oberhammerspitzen extension caretaker! That's what I need to manage my TYPO3 webs. I try it now with a few webs before I will use it in customer systems. The installation take a lot of time because of some trial and error but now it works nearly fine.

I've got the problem to receive notifications from the system. I saw a few messages in the list but no solution works for me. Also I cannot find any errors... So I write down my configuration and hope for a hint:

Caretaker version:
Latest caretaker + caretaker instance from svn yesterday (and from ter to).

Extension caretaker configuration:
notifications.advanced.enabled = 1 (same with 0): What is the difference?
notifications.simple_mail.enabled = 1
notifications.simple_mail.mail_from = me at mydomain.de<mailto:me at mydomain.de>
notifications.simple_mail.role_ids = 1 (same with string "roletest" and 1 is really the id)
notifications.cli.enabled = 1

"testgroup" and "testuser" exist in my "caretaker" folder (and an email-address exists).

Caretaker overview:
Instancegroup and instance got the "testuser" and "testrole" record and also a "teststrategy".
My "test" is connected with the "roletest".

The "teststrategy" has no configuration (is there a docu?)... maybe that's the reason why?

My cronjob uses the scheduler. The scheduler testmail is works. From caretaker are no messages in the mail.log.

Thanks for your help,

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