[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13623 : Bug: Deprecation log for IMAGE.alttext does not work

Steffen Müller typo3 at t3node.com
Wed Feb 24 10:29:23 CET 2010

Hi Sebastian,

On 24.02.2010 09:13 Sebastian Gebhard wrote:
> it's a bit hard to give useful information to the administrators because 
> at the point a cObject is rendered it's only an array with some 
> properties, totally disconnected to its initial circumstances. I don't 
> see a possbility to find out a line number or absolute TS path at the 
> moment.

This is why I plead for stopping deprecation of TypoScript stuff.

> Another option would be, when rendering TS to a Conf-Array add Meta Data 
> such as Line Number, source TS template and absolute TS-Path.

good idea.

> But this massively bloats all $conf Arrays, surely resulting in worse 
> performance.

This could be prevented by a check for debug option, e.g.
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['Debug'] = '1';

And you could narrow the metainfo to the root obj. (lib.logo)


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