[TYPO3-4-3] pageTS / userTS conditions
Martin Kutschker
masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Wed Feb 10 11:33:02 CET 2010
Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> But to keep on ranting...
>>> [globalVar = DB:[table]|[field] = xyz]
>> Why the two equal signs? They make no sense at all.
>> [globalVar = DB:[table]|[field] = xyz]
> sry, i don't get you - your expression is the same !?
[fooBar = 4]
Tests if the "magic" fooBar equals 4. Makes perfectly sense.
[fooBar = 4,7,10]
Tests if the "magic" fooBar equals 4, 7 or 10. Comprehensible but odd.
Better would be an SQL like [fooBar IN 4,7,10]
[gobalVar = X = 10]
Tests if globalVar is what? The expression is is "X = 10", but why is there an eqal sign after the
string "globalVar"?
If tied together with eg a colon it would be more "logical":
[gobalVar:X = 10]
Now it is clear the the "global" variable (huh? are we talking PHP here?) is compared with 10.
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