[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13074: Feature: stdWrap for inclusion of CSS and JS files via pageRenderer
JoH asenau
info at cybercraft.de
Wed Feb 10 11:21:53 CET 2010
>> My only concern would be performance. You have to call stdWrap on
>> each and every object with properties and as far as I understood
>> even for all sub properties. Or you have to at least insert a check
>> everywhere if there are stdWrap properties. I could imagine that
>> this slows everything down quite a bit. If there is a way to
>> implement this without a loss in performance I'm fine with it, but I
>> don't see one atm.
> that should be no argument for the concept ;)
> We have to take care of performance with integration of the concept. I
> don't see any problems, as stdWrap will be only used if property.
> exists.
yes - but we have to check at least for two things:
1) is there a key "property." ? stdWrap : no stdWrap
2) for each "non stdWrap key" in "property." no stdWrap
so maybe the check Steffen Ritter proposed is better than this two-step
1) check if there is a key "property." containing any stdWrap function names
as a key
This would disable the for each loop of any property containing non stdWrap
keys only (i.e. "if").
Of course you won't use a multilevel TypoScript setup for a site that needs
a top performance.
And don't forget that USER and USER_INT will be excluded from this
behaviour. So the only real performance killer could be COA_INT (and any sub
element), because the rest of the TypoScript will only be used at the first
page hit, since usually stuff will be delivered from cache anyway.
BTW: Checking the behaviour I mentioned in my examples, I came to the
conclusion that it's not "chained" but "nested" TypoScript, which is a big
difference to the jQuery like chains. So we should name it properly to avoid
Even after sleeping on it I still like the approach :-)
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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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