[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13074: Feature: stdWrap for inclusion of CSS and JS files via pageRenderer
JoH asenau
info at cybercraft.de
Tue Feb 9 21:14:41 CET 2010
> Imagine a "chained reaction" like that:
Just another one:
10 = TEXT
10 {
field = default_field
field {
override.field = editors_field_of_choice
In this case, the editor would enter the name of the field to take the text
from instead of the text itself.
And another one:
10 {
table = defaulttable
table.override.field = individual_table
select {
max = 10
max.override.data = page:maxitem_field
where = colPos=0
where.override = colPos IN (0,1)
where.override.if.isTrue.data = page:usetwocolumns
begin.data = GPvar:tx_something|pagebrowser
begin.data.prioriCalc = intval
Looks like this is the maximum of consistency AND flexibility we could get.
Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
(If you have no clues: simply shut your gob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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