[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13074: Feature: stdWrap for inclusion of CSS and JS files via pageRenderer

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Tue Feb 9 19:36:37 CET 2010

> Which "all params" do you mean? Depending on the context, the stdWrap
> cObject might contain different data (e.g. in case of a menu it might
> contain the currently rendered menu item).

"all params" simply means: Every default parameter of any default element
will be sent through stdWrap if there is a key with a dot like: "param."
AND "param." contains stdWrap function names.

10 {
    table = blah
    table.override.field = blahblah
    select {
        where = colPos=0
        max = 1
        max.override = 0
        max.override.if.isTrue.field = blah
    slide = 1
    slide.if.isFalse.data = blah

There might be some keys (like "select" in this example), that won't need
any stdWrap functions at all, but most of the keys used in default TS
elements will.

> And what is your idea regarding USER objects? You cannot simply add
> support to .stdWrap on "all parameters" without interfering with what
> the plugins do with their TypoScript tree. They might already be using
> the .stdWrap property?

USER/USER_INT are never default elements, because they always contain
functions to get individual behaviour.
So these are the only elements I would treat differently (no default stdWrap
at all), although we should communicate it as "best practice" to extension
developers to have them act the same way as the default elements.

> So still I don't understand the proposed concept, other than adding
> the stdWrap() call to used property where we aren't doing it yet.
> Could someone clarify?

Got the point?


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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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