[TYPO3-project-4-3] Loocked out from BE after update!
Peter Kindström
typo3 at campingwebben.se
Sun Oct 11 16:48:36 CEST 2009
> seems that something resets the loginform hook.
> search for "loginFormHook" in localconf.php and all ext_localconf.php
#> cd typo3conf
#> more localconf.php | grep loginFormHook
Gives nothing!
I moveded to each of all the following typo3conf/ext directories:
ab_linklist/ date2cal/ gkh_rss_import/ js_select/
naw_openid/ rs_userimp/ templavoila/ xajax/
captcha/ div/ ics_awstats/ llxmltranslate/
newloginbox/ static_info_tables/ ter_update_check/
css_select/ feedforward/ irfaq/ lumophpinclude/
powermail/ sv/ tt_news/
and executed
#> more ext_localconf.php | grep loginFormHook
Gives nothing! Sometimes the file doesn't exist, but that's all.
More ideas?!
Regards, Peter
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