[TYPO3-project-4-3] Re: [TYPO3-core] Flash messages in TYPO3v4, Extbase and FLOW3
Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]
ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Oct 9 09:22:12 CEST 2009
grr, wrong list, sorry!! Follow-ups only in
typo3.projects.typo3_4-3.general, thanks!
Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> Hi,
> we now have a nice API for flash messages in the TYPO3. Thanks Ingo for
> bringing us this stuff and Rupi for finishing it up!
> Currently the "messageQueue" is very Backend-oriented because it uses
> the BE-session and renders using T3-Skin styles.
> Now in Extbase we also have a "FlashMessages"
> (Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_FlashMessages) which implements the FLOW3
> backport of the idea. It is the same concept but with some differences:
> - flash messages are only "strings" (no title, severity, etc)
> - they are always stored in the session
> - work in BE (BE_USER->uc) and in FE (fe_user->get/setKey)
> - rendering is not part of the API, so anyone needs to implement their
> own rendering
> - Fluid has a View-Helper to render these messages (as a simple list of
> <li>...</li>'s)
> The next step for the extbase + fluid guys would probably be to make use
> of our t3lib_FlashMessages and the t3lib_MessageQueue.
> The main "problem" with this is that we are moving forward in a
> direction that is not FLOW3 upwards compatible anymore. So either our
> improvements get adopted in FLOW3, or we "stop here" and keep Extbase
> with the FLOW3-compatible flash messages approach.
> As I would love to use severities in FE-extensions for flash messages as
> well, but also would like to make that in Extbase-based FE-extensions,
> it would be cool if we could have the same functionality in Extbase as
> we have in the Core now, or even make use of the Core system in Extbase.
> Ideas?
> Cheers,
> Ernesto
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