[TYPO3-project-4-3] logs, messages etc
Steffen Kamper
info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Oct 6 18:59:48 CEST 2009
Hi Ernesto,
Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>>> this is probably a topic for the "to be created" 4.4 project, as we
>>> already are in beta1. :)
>> i know that, but it's not too late to adjust a bit so we have a "round"
>> API, just some finetuning like logging flashmessages as well etc.
> True! Any suggestions on where to start?
yes, some adjustments. EG severities, in syslog they are -1 - 3 (4),
flashmessages -2 - 2. Maybe using same global constants.
Flashmessages - warning + error should be logged to syslog in any case.
More logging maybe with flag that can be set.
just a start.
> What I disliked most is the fact that the FE error output is generated
> in the "time tracking" class. Not really very intuitive. :)
yes, that's indeed strange. And using the NULL timetracking object will
fall by the wayside. Hope we get this fixed with the error/exception
handler, Rupi already had a nice idea to show FE errors in admPanel.
> Logging uncatched exceptions to sys_log can also probably be useful for
> the admin to see "something is wrong". And maybe to devLog (with full
> stack trace), if this is active.
> We also might need or want a special "PHP Warning handler", which would
> not convert the warning to an exception (as this would stop execution),
> but instead put the warnings into "flash messages" or log them to devLog
> or "whatever".
yes, see above.
>> The big whole thing is something for 4.4, yes.
>>> But I have also thought about those matters a lot and some consistent
>>> (and documented) way of handling logs, error, messages would be really
>>> appreciated.
>> I think most doesn't know what treasures we already have like the
>> syslog. It can do so much, like writing to any place / file, email etc.
>> But i think underdocumented and so seldom used in real world.
> It is documented (in the config_default and "All Configuration" part of
> the install tool). But there is a missing document which tells an
> administrator which switches can do what to debug or analyse what is
> going on on a TYPO3 site. And also one for developers to know where to
> send all the errors / debug / information notices to.
as usual - read the source :) indeed there should be a short
documentation how to configure and use the syslog (for admins and devs)
vg Steffen
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