[TYPO3-project-4-3] Deprecating SQL parser in TYPO3 4.3
Steffen Kamper
info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Nov 3 00:37:16 CET 2009
Hi Xavier,
Xavier Perseguers schrieb:
> Hi,
> I hope to get some (positive) feedback here as I did not mention the
> word "DBAL" in title (ouch I did it anyway with my first few words :D).
do you think that is the case? I know at least two persons always
answered to DBAL issues ;) Now we have "Mr DBAL" which is good imho!
> OK. Once again, even with DBAL "outside" of Core, there is a real
> problem to get patch committed to trunk when it comes to issues that
> occur "only" when using DBAL.
> Here is some extract from a discussion I had today with Karsten about
> what to do with SQL parser included in Core. I'm not speaking about the
> parser used to allow modifications of the database structure (CREATE
> TABLE, ALTER TABLE, ...) but the SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE parser which is
> used when installing DBAL but not when using MySQL only.
if DBAL relies on core there is something wrong in abstraction, it
shouldn't be the case. All real DB related stuff should be handled in
> > I would probably remove the code from core. [...] that should mean
> less probability for errors
> >
> > When Kasper put that code in place back in 2004 we all thought/hoped
> that people would go crazy
> > writing DB handlers, but that has not happened.
> >
> > Time to move the code into the right place, I'd say. And that is DBAL.
ok, if it's so, let's do it.
> There is currently 3 patches waiting in Core that are related to DBAL:
> - RFC #10411: sqlparser is not able to parse more than 1 join
> - RFC #12231: New caching framework (4.3-dev) does not work with DBAL
> (oracle)
> - RFC #5120 / #8915: SQL parse error in "Who is online" BE list
Rupi and me are starting again fixing session tomorrow, so you'll get
> Needless to say that you'll easily understand that it's a pain not being
> able to reasonably quickly get feedback when I (or someone else) take
> time to fix gremlins (I think of RFC 5120 for instance).
> I don't want to blame anybody, that's really not the point here. The
> point is to propose what I think is a viable solution (Karsten approved):
> - Don't fix SQL parser in Core, copy relevant part into DBAL and fix
> bugs there as it is DBAL-related only
> - Keep class in Core but log method calls that are known not to be used
> in Core itself but only in DBAL, just to be sure they are not needed. If
> no log arrises (which should be the case), then deprecate it/remove it.
> We might deprecate it right now as well.
> I don't really need +1 for this to happen, it's easy to fix bugs in DBAL
> and leave Core with unmaintained methods. I prefer not doing this "in
> secret".
> Now, I still need some feedback for bugs we (the DBAL team and its
> surrounded people) found and fix when it comes to DBAL use. I think of
> RFC #5120 / #8915. This is easily tested with NO DBAL install *at all*!
> Simply apply patch, go to BE module to see who is online, see that it
> still work as before for your MySQL install, give your +1 by testing
> because you don't see any change and let us be happy that yet another
> bug could be fixed to make DBAL work better.
> Just read DBAL SVN log to see how it was enhanced and made more reliable
> since real bug fixing sessions can be made much more efficient by having
> it as "external" project. This is a great subproject of this highly
> loved CMS, be cool and let this story keep living!
> Thanks.
Sometimes you have to be more patient. I understand that you have to
wait for some patches being applied for continue work on DBAL, but when
you look to core list there are a lot of issues to be handled. Send your
reminder and/or try to speak on skype about. All will be fine in the end ;)
vg Steffen
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