[TYPO3-project-4-3] New Backend?

Tyler Kraft tyler.kraft at netefficiency.co.uk
Mon Jun 8 18:10:11 CEST 2009

Granted, the BE isn't very pretty looking, and when one is logged in as 
a admin user it's very busy looking, but it does have a efw things going 
for it IMHO.

> How many websites do you know that are not using a tree like structure for
> navigation and more or less strictly defined areas to put content in?
> Even if you want to use TYPO3 to create web based applications, these 2
> concepts will apply to a very high percentage of them.

+1 I think these two factors - the tree structure and the defined areas 
for content - are great things. My other half has just recently started 
working using a different  CMS that does not have a page tree structure 
and she has huge list of complaints about how hard it is to find 
anything in the site, or the hierarchy of pages. She as already started 
a small campaign to have her new employer think about moving CMS's all 
because theirs is so hard to work with and so in-flexible compared to 
the power of Typo3.

> Currently people are complaining about the fact that there are too many ways
> to do the same stuff in the TYPO3 backend.
> Can you imagine how many complaints you will get in addition if you
> introduce even more possibilities to change the look, feel and behaviour of
> it?

Yes, but while this is true it also displays the sheer power of the CMS, 
and all of these functions and ways of doing things have a purpose. In 
most case if the access is set right for the average user they don't 
seem to have a problem, in fact they usually don't even know how much 
they don't have access to.

Just my 2cents

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