[TYPO3-performance] TS-Rendering - IMG_RESOURCE - 622 ms - Solution

Martin Holtz typo3ng_2009 at martinholtz.de
Wed Oct 14 10:47:15 CEST 2009


> Ahoi all,
> upfront, sorry for coming late to the party ;-)
your welcome;)

> - TYPO3-In-General:
> There have been quite some excellent suggestions to handle MartinH's
> issue, and even some consense on the logic.
> Me feels its now time to move this performance-defect towards the
> bugtracker and then we will find a patch for it. @MartingH: Guess you
> dare to file a report, right?

i have some pending patches in the core list, which i like to be
commited or rejected before sending another patch to the list.

So i will try to push the others to get space for this one.

As there is allready feature freeze for 4.3. there is no need to hurry
with this patch atm (IMHO).

> - IMHO: (the bigger picture)
> I hope to find some time by the end of the year to dummy-implement a
> meaningful-file-handle-procedure avoiding the above for the DAM. DAM
> only because a) all mentioned requirements (file-sizes, number of files,
> performance) mainly match DAM-Instances and b) as Masi already mentioned
> I'd like to be able to "outsource" both: the generation and the storage
> of thumbnails. (eg. to EC2 & S3)
if you need someone for testing, let me know


Martin Holtz - elemente websolutions http://www.elemente-websolutions.ms

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