[TYPO3-performance] TS-Rendering - IMG_RESOURCE - 622 ms

Martin Holtz typo3ng_2009 at martinholtz.de
Tue Jun 30 09:39:56 CEST 2009


>> No, but that reminds me of the idea we had to render the images in
>> separate HTTP connections so that the main page rendering isn't blocked
>> by image generation.
> That would be an interesting project. Maybe even possible then to have
> the picture delivery and generation done by a "second" server
> (http://images.domain.example):
> - Server A renders the page, IMAGE cObject returns the "filename" (with
> unique hash). It places information about how to generate the file (e.g.
> IMAGE configuration) in some shared cache.
> - Server B gets request for the filename, which does not yet exist.
> Apache redirects request to TYPO3 (mod_rewrite required...), which will
> look up the shared cache, generate the image and return it.
> This also could have been the same server, but different HTTP-processes,
> as Masi proposed. I like it!

sth like this should be possible:

1) instead of generating the image, write the config to db, return
filename (typo3temp/pics/abc...jpg)

2) if the html page is delivered the image will be requested. there
could be a simple .htaccess rule - if file exists deliver, if not start
an script which creates the image

but imho 1) is a very complex task...?


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