[TYPO3-performance] Spreading HTTP request among multiple hostnames

Oliver Klee typo3-german-02 at oliverklee.de
Thu Jun 11 11:10:14 CEST 2009


Dan Osipov schrieb:
> I think that's changing, with newer browsers downloading four components
>  in parallel.

in my Firefox' about:config, I see the following default values:

network.http.max-connections 30
network.http.max-connections-per-server 15
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server 6

network.http.pipelining false
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 4
network.http.pipelining.ssl false
network.http.proxy.pipelining false

On the client side, setting pipelining to true will probably give a nice
speed boost without increasing server load. (Pipelining means that
several HTTP requests are sent via one persistent connection instead of
opening and closing a new connection for each request. This benefits
from the TCP speed regulation mechanisms like slow-start, multiplicative
decrease, etc., meaning that new connections are slow first and then
gradually become faster until they reach the limit where packet loss


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