[TYPO3-german] YAG Bug #42258

sebastian proksch sebastian.proksch at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 14:03:52 CET 2013

Hallo Typo3 Gemeinde,

der unten genannte BUG tritt auch bei mir auf. Leider hilft der genannte
Workaround nicht.

Benutzte typo3 4.7.7

yag 2.2.1

Hat hier schon jemand eine weitere Lösung aufgetan?

Danke für eure Bemühungen.


Bug #42258
 Could not analyse class:Tx_PtExtbase_Rbac_RbacService maybe not loaded or
no autoloader?

Added by Cyrill Schumacher <http://forge.typo3.org/users/36893> 3
Updated 3
 Status:Accepted Start date:2012-10-21  Priority:Must have Due date:
 Assignee:Michael Knoll <http://forge.typo3.org/users/1852> % Done:

 Category:-  Target version:YAG 2.0<http://forge.typo3.org/versions/show/1642>
*Votes:* 0


Hi all,

I'm getting this error:

#1289386765: Could not analyse class:Tx_PtExtbase_Rbac_RbacService maybe
not loaded or no autoloader?

How to reproduce:
I've cloned the latest yag, pt_ext[base|list] from github and installed it
with T3 4.7.5 on my Mac OS X.
Click then in the left menu Web -> Gallery and then on the SysFolder
containing the gallery.

For more details please see the attached screenshot.

Thanks for an answer!


kB) Cyrill Schumacher, 2012-10-21 20:16
#1 <http://forge.typo3.org/issues/42258#note-1>
 Updated by Michael Knoll <http://forge.typo3.org/users/1852> 3

   - *Status* changed from *New* to *Accepted*
   - *Assignee* set to *Michael Knoll*

This error occurs if pt_extbase extension TypoScript is not correctly
loaded. We changed the loading of the default TypoScript settings with
version 2.0 so that you do not need to have the static template included
anymore for making yag work in your backend. It seems like some TS settings
are overwriting the object-framework configuration. A quick fix is to add
the following line of TS setup on the sysfolder where yag is located (yag
records) and that is used with the yag module in the backend:

= Tx_PtExtbase_Rbac_TypoScriptRbacService

We will check, why this setting is not loaded automatically whenever the
extension is loaded and installed as it should be.

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