[TYPO3-german] deprecation

Björn Pedersen pedersen at frm2.tum.de
Tue Nov 20 13:30:40 CET 2012

Am 20.11.2012 10:57, schrieb Gerhard Obermayr:
> Nun denn, da ich nicht locker lasse, hier mein Senf dazu!
> Es geht im konkreten Fall um die website des Tierpark Haag
> <http://www.tierparkstadthaag.at/>.
>   Everything other than UTF-8 is deprecated since TYPO3 4.5.
>    The DB, its connection and TYPO3 should be migrated to UTF-8
>    therefore. Please check your setup.
>    19-06-12 09:51: This TYPO3 installation is using the
>    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['setDBinit'] property with the following value:
>    It looks like UTF-8 is not used for this connection.

Er sagt doch genau, das setDBinit noch mit Werten (oder hier mit dem
leeren String) gesetzt ist. Das ist aber eben nicht mehr.

From: http://wiki.typo3.org/TYPO3_4.5#Upgrading

UTF8 by default: New installations will use UTF8 automatically. Keep in
mind that we will be deprecating all other charsets in the release of
4.5, but still support those charsets. 4.7 or maybe even 4.6 will be the
first "UTF-8 only" release. When upgrading from older releases to 4.5,
you will have to specifically set $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['forceCharset']
and $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['setDBinit'] in your localconf.php. An
Upgrade Wizard will help you with that.

-> Das heisst, evt. wurde da der Upgrade-Wizard im Installtool nicht
oder unvollständig durchgeführt.


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