[TYPO3-german] Links in tx_news are removed

Schwarzenberg schwarzenberg at uni-leipzig.de
Wed Nov 14 12:25:38 CET 2012

Hello List,

i try to insert links (both interal and external) to the bodytext of a tx_news item (the great 
tt_news replacement) throuch RTE.
After saving the news item, the internal link is removed completely and the external link got 
converted to

<link http://THE-URL/ _blank external-link>THE-URL</link>

Could it be that RTE is using another configuration for tx_news than the RTE.default?
I already looked through the news-Sources, but there are no RTE-specific modifications regarding 
allowed tags etc.
Could it be related to the "overruleMode" setting? Currently it is set to this:

RTE.default.proc.overruleMode = ts_images,ts_links,ts_reglinks,ts_css,txdam_media

Regards, Heiko

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