[TYPO3-german] Typo3 Neuinstallation 4.3.3 Zugriff auf Install Tool nicht möglich

Patrick Zanker pzanker at fto.de
Thu May 27 14:58:09 CEST 2010


nach meiner Installation und angepasster Verzeichnisrechte wollte ich 
nun in Installtool nur leider kann ich dies nicht aufrufen bzw. wenn ich 
das Standardpasswort joh316 eingebe, kommt immer folgende Meldung:

Make sure to protect the Install Tool with another password than "joh316".
Better yet you can add a die() function call to typo3/install/index.php 
after usage.

The Install Tool is checking PHPs support for image formats. However 
certain versions of PHP (fx. 4.3.0 with bundled GD) will crash when 
trying to read the PNG test file. If this happens you will see a blank 
screen or error message.
Workaround: Open the file typo3/sysext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php, 
go to the line where the function "isPNG()" is defined and make it 
return "0" hardcoded. PNG is not checked anymore and the rest of the 
Install Tool will work as expected. The same has been known with the 
other image formats as well. You can use a similar method to bypass the 
testing if that is also a problem.
On behalf of PHP we regret this inconvenience.

BTW: This Install Tool will only work if cookies are accepted by your 
web browser. If this dialog pops up over and over again you didn't 
enable cookies.

Cookies sind aktiviert!

Was mache ich falsch?

Viele Grüße

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