[TYPO3-german] wec_map eigenes Template?

Basti sebastian.schmal at gmx.de
Wed Sep 16 15:58:25 CEST 2009


habe nun mal diese Werte in mein root-Template eingetragen:

# Deklaration der HTML Dokumenttypdefinition (DTD) als XHTML transistional
config {
  xmlprologue = none
  xhtml_cleaning = all
  sys_language_uid = 0
  language = de
  locale_all = de_DE.UTF-8
  htmlTag_langKey = de_DE
  doctype = xhtml_trans
  #renderCharset = utf-8
  #additionalHeaders = Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8
  # cooluri aktivieren
  simulateStaticDocuments = 0
  baseURL = http://www.kuechen-campus.macrocom.de/
  tx_cooluri_enable = 0
  prefixLocalAnchors = all

page.config.headerComment (
TYPO3 by macrocom.de

### SEO Meta-Tags ###
# titel disable
config.noPageTitle = 2

# defaultJS disable
#page.config.removeDefaultJS = 0

# Aufraeumumarbeiten ...
config {
  xhtml_cleaning = all
  # CSS auslagern
  disablePrefixComment = 1
  inlineStyle2TempFile = 1
  #removeDefaultJS = external

#HTML saeubern
lib {
  stdheader {
    stdWrap {
      #DIVs um Ueberschriften entfernen
      #dataWrap =
      # Kommentare fuer Ueberschriften entfernen
      prefixComment =
    # Klasse der ersten Ueberschrift auf einer Seite entfernen
    #3.headerClass =
    #3.headerClass.noTrimWrap =
    # br nach Ueberschriften entfernen
    10.stdWrap.wrap =
  # unnoetigen Quelltext durch rteHtmlArea entfernen
  parseFunc_RTE.nonTypoTagStdWrap {
    encapsLines {
      addAttributes.P.class =
      innerStdWrap_all.ifEmpty =
    # Umschreibung in semantisch korrektes XHTML
    HTMLparser {
      tags {
        b.remap = strong
        i.remap = em
tt_content {
  # Kommentare fuer Content-Elemente entfernen
  stdWrap.prefixComment =
  # Kommentare fuer Text-Elemente entfernen
  text.20.prefixComment =
  # Kommentare fuer Listen-Elemente entfernen
  bullets.20.stdWrap.prefixComment =
  # Kommentare fuer Tabellen entfernen
  table.20.stdWrap.prefixComment =
  # Anker vor Content-Elementen entfernen
  stdWrap.dataWrap =
  stdWrap.prepend.dataWrap =

###Content table class disable###

###p in table disable###
lib.parseFunc_RTE.externalBlocks.table.HTMLtableCells.default >
=< lib.parseFunc

// Wirft das CLEAR.GIF raus
tt_content.image.20.spaceBelowAbove = 0
tt_content.header.stdWrap.space = 0|0
tt_content.stdWrap.space = 0|0
tt_content.stdWrap.spaceBefore = 0
tt_content.stdWrap.spaceAfter = 0
lib.stdheader.stdWrap.space = 0|0

// Und hier wird das CLEAR.GIF hinter den Überschriften rausgenommen
tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.tags.typohead.stdWrap.space = 0|0

# ---------------------
# Spamschutz
# ---------------------
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses = 2
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = (at)
config.notification_email_charset = utf-8

# ---------------------
# Rahmen
# ---------------------
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject = CASE
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject {
  key.field = section_frame
  100 = TEXT
  100.value = <div class="right-content-rahmen">|</div>
  #101 = TEXT
  #101.value = <div class="rahmen-kontakt-first-02">|</div>

page = PAGE

page {
  #bodyTag = <body>
  includeCSS {
    file1 = fileadmin/css/main.css
    file2 = fileadmin/css/cal_styles.css
    file3 = fileadmin/css/form_styles.css
    #file4 = fileadmin/carstensen-bueroeinrichtung/css/linklist_styles.css
    #file5 = fileadmin/carstensen-bueroeinrichtung/css/news_styles.css

  includeJS {
    #file1 = fileadmin/carstensen-bueroeinrichtung/js/check.js
    #file2 = fileadmin/carstensen-bueroeinrichtung/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
    #file3 = fileadmin/scripts/buerowelten/buerowelten.js

  10 {
    template = FILE
    template.file = fileadmin/templates/main.html
    workOnSubpart = CONTENT
    marks {

        table = tt_content
        select {
          pidInList = 52
          where = colPos = 0
          orderBy = sorting


        special = directory
        special.value = 45

        #1 level top-menu
        1 = TMENU
        1 {
          noBlur = 1
          expAll = 0

          wrap = <ul class="sub-navi">|</ul>

          # Normal state properties
          NO = 1
          NO.allWrap = <li>|</li> <li>&#124;</li> |*| <li>|</li> 
<li>&#124;</li> |*| <li>|</li>
          NO.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title
          #NO.ATagParams = class="menu_entry"
          #NO.ATagParams.insertData = 1

          # Enable active state and set properties:
          ACT = 1
          ACT.wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li> <li>&#124;</li> |*| <li>|</li> 
<li>&#124;</li> |*| <li>|</li>
          ACT.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title



        #1 level top-menu
        1 = TMENU
        1 {
          noBlur = 1
          expAll = 0

          wrap = <ul class="navi">|</ul>

          # Normal state properties
          NO = 1
          NO.allWrap = <li class="first-navi">|</li>|*|<li>|</li>
          NO.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title

          # Enable active state and set properties:
          ACT = 1
          ACT.wrapItemAndSub = <li class="first-navi-act">|</li>|*|<li 
          ACT.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title

          #ACTIFSUB = 1
          #ACTIFSUB.allWrap = |
          #ACTIFSUB.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title



        wrap = <div id="outer-container-nohead-content">|</div>
        10 = COA
        10 {
          10 < styles.content.getBorder
          10.stdWrap.wrap = <div id="left-top-image">|</div>
          20 = HMENU
          20 {

            entryLevel = 1

            #1 level top-menu
            1 = TMENU
            1 {

              noBlur = 1
              expAll = 0

              wrap = <ul class="main-sub-navi">|</ul>

              # Normal state properties
              NO = 1
              NO.allWrap = <li>|</li>
              NO.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title

              # Enable active state and set properties:
              ACT = 1
              ACT.wrapItemAndSub = <li class="main-sub-navi-no-act">|</li>
              ACT.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title

              # Normal state properties if SUB
              IFSUB = 1
              IFSUB.allWrap = <li class="main-sub-navi-no-sub">|</li>
              IFSUB.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title

              # ACT state properties if SUB
              ACTIFSUB = 1
              ACTIFSUB.allWrap = <li class="main-sub-navi-act-sub">|</li><li 
              ACTIFSUB.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title


            #2 level top-menu
            2 = TMENU
            2 {

              noBlur = 1
              expAll = 0

              wrap = <ul class="main-sub-navi-02">|</ul></li>

              # Normal state properties
              NO = 1
              NO.allWrap = <li class="sub-navi-02">|</li>
              NO.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title

              # Enable active state and set properties:
              ACT = 1
              ACT.wrapItemAndSub = <li class="sub-navi-02-act">|</li>
              ACT.ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title

          20.stdWrap.wrap = <div id="main-navi">|</div>
        10.stdWrap.wrap = <div id="outer-content-nohead-left">|</div>
        20 < styles.content.get
        20.stdWrap.wrap = <div id="outer-content-home-middle">|</div>
        30 < styles.content.getRight
        30.stdWrap.wrap = <div id="outer-content-home-right">|</div>

      FOOTER {
        tables = tt_content
        source = 167
        dontCheckPid = 1
        wrap = <div class="copyrighttext"> | </div>

        tables = tt_content
        source = 199
        dontCheckPid = 1

        wrap = <div class="copyright"> | </div>
        value = Copyright

        wrap = <div class="copyrightdatum"> | </div>
        data = date : U
        strftime = %Y

    } // marks
  } // 10
} // page

page.bodyTag >
page.bodyTagCObject = TEXT
page.bodyTagCObject.data = field:uid
page.bodyTagCObject.wrap = <body id="site_|">

config.sourceopt.emptyBodyTag = 0

page.headerData.3 = TEXT
page.headerData.3.field = subtitle // title
page.headerData.3.wrap = <title>|&nbsp;- Küchen Campus</title>

page.headerData.98 = TEXT
page.headerData.98.value (
<meta name="verify-v1" 
content="rijLYb08j9Wg698wK8P/zYeTkbdQHbTaxkEKooij8Og=" />

page.headerData.10 = TEXT
page.headerData.10.value (
<script src="fileadmin/js/jquery-1.3.2.js"> </script>

page.headerData.90 = TEXT
page.headerData.90.value (
<script src="fileadmin/js/dd-script.js"> </script>

#plugin.tx_macmssqlintaddr_pi1.mitnr = 1019534
plugin.tx_macrechtshinweis_pi1.firma = Carstensen Büro & Objekt
plugin.tx_thmailformplus_pi1.herkunfturl=Carstensen Büro & Objekt

# Text wenn die Seite neu geladen wird
config.message_page_is_being_generated = Die Seite wird geladen.

# Anweisungen für das Rendern, u.a. auf für die Bilder

tt_content.image.20.renderMethod = dl

plugin.tx_wecmap_pi1 {

  height = 700

  width = 500

  showDirections = 1

  prefillAddress = 0

  initialMapType = G_SATELLITE_MAP

  controls.mapControlSize = small

  controls.showOverviewMap = 1

  controls.showMapType = 1

  controls.showScale = 1

  markers.1 {

    title = TS title

    description = TS desc

    street = 1234 Happy Place

    city = Happy City

    zip = 12345

    state = HS

    country = Happy Country


  markers.2 {

    title = Another title

    description = Another description

    address = 1234 Another Happy Ave, Happy City, HS 12347, Happy Country


  markers.3 {

    #add another marker here



plugin.tx_wecmap_pi2 {

  height = 700

  width = 500

  showDirections = 1

  prefillAddress = 0

  initialMapType = G_HYBRID_MAP

  controls.mapControlSize = large

  controls.showOverviewMap = 1

  controls.showMapType = 1

  controls.showScale = 1

  #userGroups = 2,3,5

  #pid = 2,3,5


Doch verändert sich ander Map nichts!
habe auch im allg. Plugin keine Größe für die karte angegeben!

Würde mich auf Hilfe freuen!


"Basti" <sebastian.schmal at gmx.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1253108454.13899.typo3-german at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hallo,
> benutzte die wec_map, würde nun gerne wissen ob man dafür ein eigenes 
> Template einsetzten kann?
> egal wo ich die TS Einstellungen vornehme, werden diese nicht angenommen!
> Grüße, Basti

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