[TYPO3-german] Typo3 4.2.1 // AdminPanel - Zeilennummern + Fehlermeldungen
Soetebeer Dirk
dsoetebeer at web.de
Sat Oct 4 11:02:36 CEST 2008
vielleicht kann mir jemand auf die Sprünge helfen.
Im Admin-Panel werden ene Reihe Fehlerhefte Angaben angezeigt mit
Zeilennummern, die auf Zeilen verweisen, die z.Tl leer sind:
Line 583: Object Name String, "*" contains invalid character "*". Must be
alphanumeric or one of: "_-."
Die Zeile 583 verweist laut "Template Analyser" auf eine Erweiterung:
556: styles.content.imgtext {
557: # TIP! if register[maxImageWidth] is set, this will override
558: # cat=content,basic/cImage/a_maxw1; type=int+; label= Max Image
Width: This indicates that maximum number of pixels (width) a block of
images inserted as content is allowed to consume.
559: maxW = 600
560: # cat=content/cImage/a_maxw2; type=int+; label= Max Image Width
(Text): Same as above, but this is the maximum width when text is wrapped
around an imageblock. Default is 50% of the normal Max Image Width
561: maxWInText =
562: # cat=content/cImage/b; type=color; label= Image border color:
Bordercolor of images in content elements when "Border"-option for element
is set.
563: borderColor = black
564: # cat=content/cImage/b; type=int[0-100]; label= Image border
thickness: Thickness of border around images in content elements
when "Border"-option for element is set.
565: borderThick = 2
566: # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Column
space: Horizontal distance between images in a block in content elements of
type "Image" or "Text w/Image".
567: colSpace = 10
568: # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Row
space: Vertical distance between images in a block in content elements of
type "Image" or "Text w/Image".
569: rowSpace = 10
570: # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Margin
to text: Horizontal distance between an imageblock and text in content
elements of type "Text w/Image".
571: textMargin = 10
572: linkWrap.width = 800m
573: linkWrap.height = 600m
574: linkWrap.effects =
575: # cat=content/cImage/x; type=boolean; label= Advanced, New
window: If set, every click-enlarged image will open in it's own popup
window and not the current popup window (which may have a wrong size for
the image to fit in)
576: linkWrap.newWindow = 0
577: # cat=content/cImage/c; type=boolean; label= Images, caption
split: If this is checked, then the image caption will be split by each
line and they will appear underneath the corresponding image in the
578: captionSplit = 0
579: # cat=content/cImage/c1; type=boolean; label= Images, text
split: If this is checked, then the image text (alt, title, longdesc) will
be split by each line and they will appear on the corresponding images in
the imagelist.
580: imageTextSplit = 0
581: # cat=content/cImage/c2; type=string; label= Images, empty title
handling: How will the 'title' attribute be handled if no title is given
for an image. Possible choices: "keepEmpty", "useAlt" or "removeAttr".
Recommended for accessibility is "removeAttr". For correct tooltips on IE,
use "keepEmpty". For previous TYPO3 behaviour, use "useAlt".
582: emptyTitleHandling = useAlt
584: titleInLink = 0
585: titleInLinkAndImg = 0
586: }
Weiterhin wird in der Zeile 764 der nachstehende Fehler aufgelistet:
Line 764: The script is short of 2 end brace(s)
Line 764: A multiline value section is not ended with a parenthesis!
Diese Zeile verweist auf "EXT:contagged/static/"
725: [GLOBAL]
726: contagged {
763: # cat=plugin.contagged//60; type=boolean; label=[Add language
attribute]: Should a "lang" attribute be added to the tag?
764: addLangAttribute = 1
766: # cat=plugin.contagged//65; type=boolean; label=[Add css class]:
Should a css class name be added to the tag? By default the class name is
the name of the type of term (e.g. "dfn_inline") headed by the extension
767: addCssClassAttribute = 0
Bei der nächsten Zeile 1083 betrifft es die Erweiterung "TIMTAB - social
bookmark icons (timtab_sociable, 2.0.5)". Diese Erweiterung hat bereits den
Status "Stable".
Im Template Analyser wird nur die Zeile 1082 angemeckert:
1079: yahoomyweb = EXT:timtab_sociable/res/img/yahoomyweb.png
1080: # cat=plugin.tx_timtabsociable/file;
type=file[gif,jpg,jpeg,png]; label=icon file for yiggde
1081: yiggde = EXT:timtab_sociable/res/img/yiggit.png
1082: }} - ERROR: Line 1082: The script is short of 1 end brace(s)
Fehlermeldung: Line 1204: The script is short of 1 end brace(s)
Die Zeile 1204 konnte nicht eindeutig zugeordnet werden.
Hier endet die Erweiterung "EXT:dropdown_sitemap/static/ts/" bei der Zeile
1203 während die Erweiterung "EXT:sr_feuser_register/static/css_styled/"
bei Zeilennummer 1205 beginnt.
Die Fehlermeldung "Line xxxx: The script is short of 1 end brace(s)" wird
noch vielen Male mit jeweils einer anderen Zeile wiederholt.
Kann mir vielleicht jemand einen Tip geben, wie man hier die Fehlerursache
ausfindig machen kann?
Vielen Dank im voraus.
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